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  • English Grammar in Use 5th Ed (Intermediate) + key + on line, фото 3
  • English Grammar in Use 5th Ed (Intermediate) + key + on line, фото 4
  • English Grammar in Use 5th Ed (Intermediate) + key + on line, фото 5
  • English Grammar in Use 5th Ed (Intermediate) + key + on line, фото 6
  • English Grammar in Use 5th Ed (Intermediate) + key + on line, фото 7
  • English Grammar in Use 5th Ed (Intermediate) + key + on line, фото 8
  • English Grammar in Use 5th Ed (Intermediate) + key + on line, фото 9
English Grammar in Use 5th Ed (Intermediate) + key + on line
Інформація для замовлення
English Grammar in Use Fifth edition is an updated version of the world's best-selling grammar title. It has a fresh, appealing new design and clear layout, with revised and updated examples, but retains all the key features of clarity and accessibility that have made the book popular with millions of learners and teachers around the world. This 'with answers' version is ideal for self-study. An online version, book without answers, and book with answers and CD-ROM are available separately.
ВиробникCambridge University Press
Країна виробникВеликобританія
Мова виданняАнглійська
Вивчення мовиАнглійська
  • Ціна: 799 ₴

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